Saturday, November 15, 2014

Smart Cells Unit

Designers don't just create products and solutions out of no where.  They have a process that enables them to succeed.  In MYP Design we focus on how to approach design. Students learn the Design Cycle- An effective method for engaging with design problems. 

Our goal is for students to be able to apply the design cycle to solve problems for people around their communities and beyond.

We focus on real world situations in Design.  
In this unit we focus on budgets. How can one use software to budget?

The objective of this unit is for the students to design a budget or provide a solution or advice on how to effectively manage, plan the use of finances.

Units Details
Key concept: Relationships
Related concept: Functions and market trends
Global context: Scientific and technical innovations
AK strand: Global economics
Statement of inquiry:
Innovations in budgeting is a function of the relationships arising from the input variables.
   Inquiry questions:
Factual        Which formulas are appropriate in calculations for different situations?
Conceptual How do you determine the best formulas to be used while calculating?
Debatable Does the use budgeting software solutions kill human calculation creativity?

Activity 1
a) Use the link below to attempt the following spreadsheets activities; additions, subtraction, multiplication, multiplication, mean, mode, median, max and min.
  • which one is difficult to use or understand and why?
  • Can you share one different function you have used and demonstrate what it does?

b) Try out a simple budgeting system in this site my require you signing-up
Try budgeting below. what is the strength of the tool?

Activity 2
Answer the following questions and post your responses in Google docs.
a) What is a budget?
b) What softwares are used to help out in budgeting?
c) What is a spreadsheet?
d) Write down some of the benefits of using spreadsheet software to organize and calculate numeric values. benefits of spreadsheet.
e) Use the following link to write the definitions of the following terms. Show examples where possible.



 Cell reference 



 Numeric Value 



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