Monday, April 29, 2019

Historical Preservation Unit; Unit Criterion A: Inquiring and Analyzing Summative

Unit Criterion A: Inquiring and Analyzing Summative


History is valuable if stored, preserved and prepared for generation to come. We are 
at risk of oblivion if our past is neglected  and our valuable moments, lifestyles,
 culture, heritage and many more are not documented and thus left to disintegrate
 and in the process forgotten. The past has a basis on today and how the future is shaped.

The digital solutions can transform and rejuvenate histories in terms of publicity, accessibility, 
tutorials,  or enhance the organization's and the documentation of the past for future use.

Your task is to identify a valuable past or an area that is in need of preserving for a particular 
client; families, teenagers, children, community, that can be addressed or solved using an IT
 based solution or introduce a new in the community. The problem should be clearly described 
and the client's current way of addressing the situation described. The problem description 
should include the current limitations the client is facing and detailed explanation of why you 
think an IT solution will be the best. 

Possible solutions;

  • Creating a interactive digital magazine to preserve a important historical aspects of a community.
  • Creating a website to document the history of important historical landmarks in Kenya.
  • Creating a simulations to simulate important histories/ cultural practices of a given community
  • Creating a database to store pictures of important artifacts of different community
  • Creating music with lyrics that is aimed at preserving important songs or stories of a given community.
  • Using sketch-up software, Create plan to show how villages were organized historically for the different communities. 
  • Code a game that is aimed at passing important historical message.
  • Create a mobile app that benefits any community in keeping its historical heritage.
For every situation, you need to have a client and a problem. Research requires that you examine the different potential solutions to your problem and settle on one particular solution when presenting your design brief.


Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing

Maximum: 8
Students identify the need for a solution to a problem. At the end of year 5, students should be able to:
      i.     Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target
 audience : 1 pagediscuss the  problems and how long it has persisted,  show how it has affected the client 
and community, show how the client is in dire need for solution, .
     ii.    Identify and prioritize primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem: 
2 pages. A table of research plan indicating questions relevant from primary and secondary sources. 
A summary of the feedback from research.
           Why is it        important
            Completion date

   iii.      Analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem:
4 pages: analyze 5 applications relevant to the IT tools you chose by using a table. 

analyze 5 existing  products created to solve similar problems in sports. (paragraph)
    iv.    Develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research. 
2 pages.
- write a detailed design brief that outlines, the client/target audience opinion, the experts opinion, and your 
personal opinion. discuss the IT tool you will use, discuss the key features of the tool, specifications  and 
its benefits to the client based on your research.

Capture; key concept- Systems, related concept- Ergonomics/Innovation and global context-Scientific and Technical Innovation


Manish Garg said...

Nice post and informational blog.

Thanks for sharing

Manish Garg

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