Saturday, September 7, 2013

Design Stage Digital Home Unit

In the design stage you are required to;
a) Generate good quality designs for your product
b) Measure each of the designs against the designs specifications
c) Justify your chosen design while evaluating it critically against the design specification


a)     The examples in the links below show examples of designs for different product. 

 - What is your observation in all the above designs?

b)     How then do you measure each design against the design specification?
     Create a table and list some design specifications and rate each design spec for any of           design above.

Activity: Use your book or any software to draw the designs for the task below. (20 min)
Sony Company is interested in external laptop speakers for their new laptop model. You have therefore been requested to design two very good speakers designs.
a)      Use the design specs below to guide your sketching.

Design Specs
They should be two, which is one pair.
They should fit in a small case
Can be of any shape
Should not be more than 20 cms in length, width or height
The pair should be able to fit in each other when packaging.
b)     Compare the two designs using the designs specs. Which one meet most of the design specs requirements?
c)      So, which will be your final choice to submit to Sony Company and why? Prepare a detailed justification that you will use to defend your chosen design.
Design Stage Summative
Since your product is a website, you will design three good quality designs for your solution. The designs can be drawn and then scan for submission or students can choose to use appropriate sketching software.
a)     Each design will have at least three unique pages.
b)     Each design will be measured against your design specs stated in the investigate stage and briefly evaluate each design.
c)      You will then justify your chosen design by giving detailed reasons why the chosen design is the best.

Sample website designs link below.

 Assessment Criteria
Task Specific Descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
The student generates two designs, and makes some attempt to justify this against the design specification.

The student generates three good designs, giving reasons for choice of one design and evaluating this against the design specification.

The student generates three excellent feasible designs, each measured against the design specification. The student justifies the chosen design and evaluates it fully and in detail against the design specification.

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