Saturday, September 21, 2013

Design Stage Summative;

Design Stage Summative
This stage is after you have finished the designs. The plan for your product will need to have the following items:

1.     Introduction
This is simple paragraph, which explains the duration available for your product development and state those who will be helpful to you in the stage(s) coming.

2.     Basic Steps;
The basic steps are brief sentences outlining the main steps in the in the plan. The basic steps do not give details about the resources required and durations. Limit the outline of steps to 8.

A Gantt chart should be used after the basic steps. The Gantt can have only one additional pieces of information of when the task will start and end.

Gantt Charts can be development using online solutions eg. or

 Example of Gantt
Gantt Chart
27-29 Sept
30- 2 Oct
3-5 Oct
6-8 Oct
9-10 Oct
11-13 Oct
14-16 Oct
17-19 Oct
20-12 Oct
Step # 1
Create the website banner


Step # 6
Modify and change the format of the images to be used in the website to a suitable format.

3.       Production plan /Process Plan (plan for the creation part only)
The process plan is detailed information about process of creation. The process plan will use a table to show the step, activity in the step, the date, resources required, remarks and if possible where the task will be done.

The production plan is developed form the steps identified in the basic steps.

Plan for creating a website
Duration in Minutes

Activity capturing the techniques
Resources and for what

Where the tasks will done

Create the website’s banner
Use flash maker - to create the flash banner,

Use Photoshop- to edit the images to be used in the banner.
Adobe Flash needed to be installed.

Photoshop did not create the jpeg file.



Modify and change the format of the images to be used in the website to a suitable format.
 Use picture manager to change to suitable format
The .jif formats could not be create. So I changed to use photoshop
Free time

4.      Evaluation of the Plan
The evaluation of the plan looks at how realistic, logical, and achievable is your plan. Evaluation of the plan examines some of the steps to see if the duration or the resources assigned are sufficient and if not what are your suggestions to improve?

“ the 90 minutes assigned to changing image formats was too much in my opinion. I will reduce this duration to 50 minutes since a few images formats will be used in the website. Where as Photoshop is a good software, access the software in our school is a challenge. I will therefore look for free online alternative software. One major change to my design will be the inclusion of flash images in the picture gallery or flash menu.”
Assessment Criteria

Task Specific Descriptor


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student produces a plan that contains some details of the steps and/or the resources required.


The student produces a plan that contains a number of practical steps that include resources and time. The student makes some attempt to evaluate the plan.


The student produces a plan that contains a number of detailed, realistic steps that describe the use of resources and time. The student evaluates the plan and justifies any modifications to the design in depth.

Sample Plan Work
Click to view sample work

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